Used SeaDoo Parts
1988 to present
SeaDoo MPEMs
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(813) 363-9074

Before going into the water:
• Drain Plug; Check the drain plugs, make sure they are in place and secure.
• Oil & Gas; Check fluid levels and fill up using 93 Octane gasoline and Amsoil synthetic 2 cylinder Oil. Quality oil such as Amsoil is very important, avoid using anything else. 93 octane gasoline is not required, but the engine will run better. Avoid using non-oxygenated gas with no ethanol base. Oxygenation of 91 is not ethanol like 93 octane oxygenated.
• Start the SeaDoo; Just before launch, start the SeaDoo out of the water for easy start, no more than 10-seconds, this will also increase the battery and starter life.
• SeaDoo Warm Up; After you start the engine in the water, use 5-10 minutes to warm up the engine and vary the throttle and RPM's lightly. Do not run the engine wide open until warmed up.
• Ride It; Then Ride it Like you Stole it!
Operating Safely:
• Falling; When falling, let go of the bars! This will keep the SeaDoo from rolling upside down. If the SeaDoo does roll upside down, it needs to be rolled the correct direction. There is a sticker on the back, if rolled the wrong way it will get water in the motor.
• Water in Motor; If water does get in the motor, IT MUST be taken care of within 24-hours! Failure to do so will ruin the motor.
• Towing; Do not tow a machine in the water longer than 5 minutes without pinching off the water inlet line. Failure to do so will fill the exhaust and the motor with water.
• Battery Charge & Jumping; MPEMs are fragile electronics, we recommend not using a booster charger (50 amps start). We also refrain from using jump packs and jumping off other SeaDoo's unless it’s your only choice.
Pulling the SeaDoo out of water:
• Drain Plugs; Once out of the water, pull the drain plugs out.
• Drain Exhaust; Start the SeaDoo engine and throttle 4-times to blow water out of the exhaust system, maximum of 20-seconds. This will prevent surface rust inside the motor.
• Gas Valve; Turn off the gas valve.
• Air Motor; On the drive home, pull seat cover & hatch to air out the SeaDoo engine bay.
• Fog Oil; When back at home and if it's easy, spray fog oil on the cylinders and into the carburetor.
• Grease; Every few times out, grease the PTO and seal the bearing carrier, if applicable. Do not over apply grease, just enough to see it come out of the drive shaft boot.
• Storage; If you are not using your SeaDoo, follow our steps to Winterize.
Winterize the SeaDoo:
• Start your SeaDoo; Spray lots of fog oil into the intake until the exhaust becomes very smoky, approximately 30 seconds. Make sure not to over heat motor, but heavy on fog oil is best.
• Pull Spark Plugs; Spray fog oil into each cylinder head for 15 seconds, then turn the motor for a quick second only to move the pistons up and down spreading the oil. Put plugs back in.
• Flush out Cooling System and hoses with water, then add anti freeze back to the cooling system. Water freezing inside the SeaDoo engine block can crack the cylinders and destroy your SeaDoo.
• Pull Battery out and put on slow charge of 2-amps every month until the first ride of the season.
• Fuel Stabilizer; Add 2-caps of fuel stabilizer to the gas tank, ie less than suggested on the container.
Click here to see Lake Ozark SeaDoo Winterization service.
Nick 612-743-9311
Jess 813-363-9074
Westside Powersports OEM Used Seadoo Parts, MPEMs. All rights reserved 2004.